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Dillons Community Rewards

We have recently been accepted into the Dillons Community Rewards Program!  Through the rewards program Andover Central Middle School will get credit for every purchase its members make using their registered Plus Card.  We would appreciate your support as each of your purchases help raise funds for our school.

Instructions for setting up you Dillons Plus card can be found below:

A customer must have three items to register and begin supporting ANDOVER CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOL:

  • A Plus card, which is available at any store by asking an associate
  • A valid email address, which can be obtained from any free online service and can be anonymous
  • A personalized account at our website, which again can be anonymous

To enroll in the community rewards program:

  1. Members must visit our website at (substitute Bakers or Gerbes for banner depending on your location)
  2. Sign in OR Create an account (see below on creating an online account at our website)
  3. Click on "Enroll Now"
  4. Enter the 5-digit NPO and search (71698)
  5. Select your Organization and click on "Enroll"

To create an online account at our website:

  1. Visit our website at (substitute Dillons, Bakers or Gerbes for banner depending on your location)
  2. Click on "Register" at the top of the page
  3. Enter your email address, password, zip code (select preferred store) and check the box if you desire to receive email communication from us
  4. Click on "Create Account" at the bottom of the page
  5. You will receive an email confirmation to your inbox, to activate your account click on the link in the body of the email and enter your sign in information to confirm